What did Tim Walz sign?
Blog | August 29, 2024
@abortionforward Don’t talk to us about Roe. Talk to us about permanently protecting the right to abortion. @ohiogabe @Kamala HQ @Pro-Choice Minnesota @Lizz Winstead #abortionrights #prochoice #reproductiverights ♬ MILLION DOLLAR BABY (VHS) – Tommy Richman
When Democrats campaign on reproductive rights in 2024, they should look at the law signed by Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz as a textbook example of what kind of federal protection we should be asking Congress to pass and President Kamala Harris to enact. It’s not restoring Roe.
What does the Minnesota law say?
Subdivision 1. Short title. This section may be cited as the “Protect Reproductive Options
Subd. 2. Definition. For purposes of this section, “reproductive health care” means
health care offered, arranged, or furnished for the purpose of preventing pregnancy,
terminating a pregnancy, managing pregnancy loss, or improving maternal health and birth
outcomes. Reproductive health care includes, but is not limited to, contraception; sterilization;
preconception care; maternity care; abortion care; family planning and fertility services;
and counseling regarding reproductive health care.
Subd. 3. Reproductive freedom. (a) Every individual has a fundamental right to make
autonomous decisions about the individual’s own reproductive health, including the
fundamental right to use or refuse reproductive health care.
(b) Every individual who becomes pregnant has a fundamental right to continue the
pregnancy and give birth, or obtain an abortion, and to make autonomous decisions about
how to exercise this fundamental right.
Subd. 4. Right to reproductive freedom recognized. The Minnesota Constitution
establishes the principles of individual liberty, personal privacy, and equality. Such principles
ensure the fundamental right to reproductive freedom.
Subd. 5. Local unit of government limitation. A local unit of government may not
regulate an individual’s ability to freely exercise the fundamental rights set forth in this
section in a manner that is more restrictive than that set forth in this section.
Paid for by Abortion Forward. Not coordinated with any campaign or campaign committee.