Anti-Abortion Lies Continue to Drive Legislation
Press Release | March 22, 2017
Columbus, Ohio — Following multiple accusations and investigations by Republican leadership in Ohio’s legislative and executive branches, no evidence of wrongdoing or mishandling of fetal tissue was ever found by Ohio’s highly competent abortion providers. In spite of this truth, anti-abortion legislators continue to introduce bills to harass physicians who offer safe and legal abortion care.
NARAL Pro-Choice Ohio Executive Director Kellie Copeland said: “House Bill 149 is the latest salvo from Ohio Right to Life and their legislative allies to craft legislation to slander and stigmatize physicians and their patients. Backers of this bill make wildly inaccurate claims that fetal tissue is being sold for profit in Ohio. That is patently false and they know it.
“From our infant mortality crisis to the opioid epidemic, Ohioans are facing serious problems. They deserve serious solutions. Once again, Ohio Right to Life is pursuing their crusade to outlaw abortion while ignoring the health care needs of everyday Ohioans.”
House Bill 149 is sponsored by Representatives Margaret Conditt (R-Liberty Township) and Bill Patmon (D-Cleveland). These two legislators also sponsored H.B. 294 (2015) to defund Planned Parenthood. After being signed by Gov. John Kasich, H.B 294 was blocked by courts because it violated First Amendment and due process requirements.
Abortion providers in Ohio are highly qualified to provide quality abortion care. Like other medical specialties, they have received medical education and passed formal licensing exams. Practitioners providing abortion have received training to competency in abortion care, including the prevention, recognition, and management of complications. Any suggestion that abortion providers are somehow less qualified or capable than other medical professionals is simply wrong.