NARAL Pro-Choice Ohio Announces New Field and Political Staff
Press Release | August 11, 2017
Columbus — NARAL Pro-Choice Ohio is extremely proud to introduce new team members as we expand our field and political operations. Vashitta Johnson joined us following her work in the state legislature. She becomes our first Field and Political Director. She is joined by a new Central & Southern Ohio Organizer, Kelley Freeman.
NARAL Pro-Choice Ohio Executive Director Kellie Copeland said: “Never before has access to abortion been in more jeopardy. NARAL Pro-Choice Ohio is committed to doing what it takes to mobilize Ohio’s pro-choice majority. We must elect candidates that will fight to protect access to the full range of reproductive choices, including preventing unintended pregnancy, bearing healthy children, and choosing legal abortion.”
Full staff bios and photos available:
VASHITTA JOHNSON – Field and Political Director
Vashitta Johnson is from Warren, Ohio and that is also where she started her political and organizing experience since 2002. She graduated from Kent State University and has worked on many presidential and issue based campaigns as well as focused on legislation. She recently joined NARAL Pro-Choice Ohio after working for the Ohio Senate. Vashitta is excited to accept this brand new position and work to put her skills and experiences into play to take NARAL’s field program to the next level while still working politically on all issues within the organization.
KELLEY FREEMAN – Central and Southern Ohio Organizer
Kelley Freeman joins the NARAL Pro-Choice Ohio team after having worked on campaigns, in an abortion clinic, for a Unitarian Universalist church, and as non-profit communications staff. She has been a long-time dedicated volunteer in central Ohio with various reproductive justice focused organizations, and is also a performer and extensive crafter. Kelley has been in Columbus since 2014, having moved to Ohio for work after graduating from the University of South Carolina in 2013.