NARAL Pro-Choice Ohio statement in response to Guttmacher report
Press Release | January 17, 2017
NARAL Pro-Choice Ohio Executive Director Kellie Copeland released the following statement in response to a report from Guttmacher Institute:
“The report from Guttmacher indicates that there are several factors in play in the reduction of the abortion rate, all of which politicians must take into consideration as they put together their legislative agendas for 2017. Increases in use of contraceptives, especially IUDs and other long acting methods has reduced the unintended pregnancy rate. On the other side of the coin you have the 18 dangerous restrictions that Kasich signed into law since he took office limiting access to care.
“As we move into 2017, politicians must not attack access to reproductive healthcare services by continuing efforts to defund Planned Parenthood or to roll back the gains we made under the Affordable Care Act. Time and time again, Governor Kasich and the Ohio legislature have put politics ahead of the health and wellbeing of women, with complete disregard for the impacts these policies will have. Congress and the Ohio legislature need to focus not on continuing these attacks, but on finding real solutions that improve health and improve a woman’s ability to make the best reproductive health decision for her.”
Report: U.S. Abortion Rate Reaches Record Low Amidst Looming Onslaught Against Reproductive Health and Rights