Ohioans relieved that abortion access is restored
Press Release | October 7, 2022
Cincinnati — Today, Hamilton County Court Judge Christian Jenkins granted the request from Ohio’s abortion providers for a preliminary injunction to keep Ohio’s abortion ban blocked indefinitely. Clinics are again allowed to continue to provide essential, time sensitive-abortion services to patients across Ohio and from neighboring states through 22 weeks gestation.
Pro-Choice Ohio Executive Director Kellie Copeland stated: “This is a victory for patients and the physicians who serve them, both in Ohio and from neighboring states. This ruling is sorely needed to protect the lives and well-being of people who need access to abortion. It will save lives. No longer are Ohio doctors being forced by Governor Mike DeWine and Attorney General Dave Yost to send their patients out of state for health care they need. Patients who cannot travel for care must always be able to access abortion in their home state, with all the dignity they deserve.
“There is little doubt that this case will make its way before the Supreme Court of Ohio. It is imperative that justices on our state’s highest court respect the fundamental human rights in our state constitution. They cannot be permitted to impose their personal agenda on Ohioans from the bench. We must elect principled and ethical justices: Justice Jennifer Brunner, Judge Marilyn Zayas, and Judge Terri Jamison. Based on their behavior in office, we know that current court Justices Pat DeWine, Pat Fischer, and Sharon Kennedy have demonstrated that they are puppets for Mike DeWine and Ohio Republicans, and are unfit to serve.”